Warcraft 3 on starcraft 2
Warcraft 3 on starcraft 2

In my experience transparency does not work. Keep in mind though my tutorials are based what I have and have not been able to get certain things to work. This would definatly help get StarCraft 2 modeling off the ground more than anything else.Įdit: I have been told by the maker of the export scripts that transparency is indeed possible. If enough of us do it then the point may get through and they will prioritize it. If you guys like seeing WarCraft 3 models in StarCraft 2 (or any of my other models or other player's models) help put pressure on Blizzard to release the art tools. I'm saying all this because fixing models that don't work is a HUGE pain and I have enough trouble with my own stuff. max file that is not 2011 I am very unlikely to help you again. Remember I will only use 3d Studio Max 2011 for any help I give. You can upload them to the forums and I can take a look at them once in a while should I be in the mood. I am not going to try to fix up your guys's models. If I don't know it and I don't need to know it I'm unlikely to explore the topic for you. I can try to answer questions but keep in mind I had to find all of this out via experimentation, which took close to a year on and off to figure out. For instance there is a "move" field and a "yes" field that I think ought to use the same sound link from the sounds tab.

warcraft 3 on starcraft 2

In the appropriate sounds field add the sounds for the specific types of sound calles. If you input multiple, whenever the actor calls upon that sound it will, via a method you can set, chose one to use.ģ. Then find the field "sound assets" and input the appropriate sounds. StarCraft 2 has the best compression (for smaller filesize) with the. Make sure that the sound files are in the best compressed. Unit Sounds: I did not go into this, but it really isn't to hard.ġ. StarCraft 2 will automatically make it green for you! In the actors tab, for the unit's main actor, set the Wireframe field to the icon.ģ. Import the unit icon/button I showed you how to make.Ģ. Here is a trick to get it to work without any effort:ġ. Wireframe Icon: You know that green icon you see at the bottom when you select a unit? However I cannot provide any estimate as to when I can make it work if at all. I have just gained contact with the guy who is currently working on them and I will try to figure out a method to make it work. Portraits: Yes the 3rd party plugins to support cameras.

warcraft 3 on starcraft 2

Here are the videos where I walk you through the steps:

Warcraft 3 on starcraft 2