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An example of this was the term dar'jetii, which is a combination of the Mando'a words dar, meaning "no longer", and jetii, the Mandalorian word for Jedi.

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Mando'a was an agglutinative language, meaning that many words were formed by combining two or more others, without changing their form, to create a new word with a new meaning. If a new word for a thing or concept was needed, Mandalorians would typically draw upon the existing Mando'a vocabulary to form an appropriate term. This respect for the language, along with Mando'a 's natural flexibility, meant that words drawn from other languages were a rarity, and Mando'a changed very little throughout the centuries in spite of the many languages the Mandalorians learned to speak, and the vast influence from alien cultures. To understand and be able to speak Mando'a was one of the Resol'nare, the six central tenets that an individual had to observe in their daily life should they wish to be a Mandalorian. Spelling and punctuation forms were optional, decided upon by the preference of the individual speaker-" jagyc" and " jagla", for instance, were both correct ways of saying "masculine." Mando'a had no grammatical cases, only two forms for a verb to take, a tense prefix system, and simplistic rules for forming adjectives from nouns and verb stems. Despite this direct lineage, and the fact that the Taungs spoke an archaic dialect that evolved into the later Mando'a, contemporary Mando'a contained unique elements unlike any found in other galactic languages. The Taungs were driven from Coruscant by the Human Battalions of Zhell after a lengthy war, and under the leadership of Mandalore the First, conquered a new planet they named Mandalore in their leader's honor, becoming the first Mandalorians-or Mando'ade, "Children of Mandalore" in Mando'a. The origins of Mando'a were believed to have lain with the language of the Taungs, an ancient race of Humanoid simians that originated on Coruscant in the time before the Galactic Republic's formation. It's only cowards we had to find a special name for." ― Baltan Carid Being prepared to die for your family and friends, or what you hold dear, is a basic requirement for a Mando, so it's not worth a separate word.

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